Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women
Service to the Community!
For we are God's workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
All women are invited to join us in Presbyterian Women this year. At the monthly gatherings, you can enjoy delicious food, Christian fellowship and inpsiring speakers and music.
We want to get to know you!
We would love for you to join us and visit our monthly meetings or any of our circle meetings described below:
Monthly Meetings
A meeting of all the women is held once a month on the first Monday of each month at 11:45 a.m., August through May. The first yearly gathering is held on the last Monday of August, to avoid the Labor Day weekend. There is a luncheon, general meeting and a variety of special programs that reflect our vision and appeal to the wide interest of women.
2022-2023 Presbyterian Women Speakers
August 29th at 11:45am Paul Lessard
October 3rd at 6:00pm Dr. Michael Brown
November 7th at 11:45am Dawn Marian Hudgins Hayes
December 5th at 11:45am - Tea Dr. Amanda Wrenn Allen
January 9th at 11:45am Karen Brudnak/A Simple Gesture
February 6th at 11:45am Avys Massey
March 6th at 11:45am River Landing Band/Perky & Bill Armstrong on Scotland & Ireland
April 3rd at 11:45am Dee Dee Ugetheim/A Special Blend
May 1st at 11:45am Annual Meeting with recognition of our Honorary Life Member and installation of new officers for 2023-2024
Presbyterian Women Circles/Study Groups
Our circles are open to all women who are members of our church. Circle meetings begin September 10th and meet the second Monday of each month, September through May. There are morning, noon and evening meetings, so there is a Circle for you! Join in fellowship with a caring and interesting group of fellow Presbyterian women by participating in a Circle this year. The moderator-elect contacts each member when she joins the church and invites her to attend the one that suits her needs.
Circle 1 - Bible Study - Meet in Session Room; second Monday, 10:30 a.m.
Circle 2 - Bible Study - Meet in the Session Room; second Monday, 1:00 p.m.
Circle 3 - Bible Study/Luncheon - Meet at River Landing (private dining room); second Monday, 10:45 a.m.
Circle 4 - Bible Study - Meeting time and place varies
Circle 5 - Noon Fellowship Lunch and Bible Study - Light lunch brought by each member; Meet in the Family Life Center; second Monday, 12:00 noon
Circle 6 - Service - Meeting places varies; second Monday, 6:30 p.m.