Nursery - Childcare for birth through 4 years is available every Sunday morning from 8:45 - 12:15 and for most worship services and key events outside of Sunday morning. Our paid staff of caregivers are both CPR and pediatric first-aid trained. Children are always welcome in the worship service anytime.
Kid Zone - A children's church for four year olds through 1st grade during our 9:00 worship service. After "Moment with the Children" they are invited to the Kid Zone for a message and activity. They return to the service during the last hymn. Children are always welcome to stay with their families if they do not wish to attend Kid Zone.
Wee Kirk - A children's church for four year olds through 1st grade during our 11:00 a.m. worship service. After "Moment with the Children" they are invited to Wee Kirk for a message and activity. They return to the sanctuary during the last hymn. Children are always welcome to stay with their families if they do not wish to attend Wee Kirk.
Acolyte Training - Available for third, fourth and fifth graders anytime. One training is offered in the winter but can be arranged anytime during the year. Two children bring the light of Christ into our 11:00 a.m. worship service most Sundays. During the final hymn, they retire the light, bringing Christ's light out into the world.
Kids of the Covenant (KOC) - A youth group for fourth and fifth graders. KOC meets two Sunday evenings each month during the school year from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. We share dinner, followed by planned activities, including fun service projects and the occasional outing. This ministry with 'tweens is an excellent preparation for youth ministries beginning in 6th grade.
Annual Events:
Spring Easter Egg Hunt - Traditionally the day before Easter children and families are invited to a Pancake Breakfast followed by a story and egg hunt. Children and families from the community are especially welcome to join us.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) - During the summer we invite children from 4 years through 5th grade to attend a four day biblically-based VBS program. In addition to bible themes, there is art, games, drama, music and movement. Children and families from the community are especially welcome to join us. Dates and program details are posted on our website each spring.
Trunk or Treat - Each year on the Wednesday evening that precedes Halloween children and families are invited to Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot (or in the Family Life Center when weather is unfavorable). Members of the church decorate their car trunks and give out candy. Cookies and cider are also served. Children and families from the community are especially welcome to join us.
Christmas Pageant - Each year during Advent (the four weeks before Christmas) preschoolers through 5th grade are invited to participate in a Christmas play or pageant. Both speaking and non-speaking parts are always available. Rehearsals are kept to a minimum to accommodate busy schedules.
For information contact Heather Redding, Director of Children's Ministries at 336-884-2248 ext 548 or